Developer Platform

Coinbase API private key creation

To use most API endpoints, you’ll need to generate an API key. Here’s how to do that if you have a account:

  1. Sign in to your account and access the profile menu from your account dashboard. 

  2. Choose Settings from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select the API tab. You can add a new API key by selecting + New API Key.

  4. You’ll need to complete 2-step verification using your registered mobile number. Input the correct code and select Verify.

  5. Set your API key settings by authorizing Accounts and API v2 permissions.

  6. If applicable, also update the Notification URL and the Allowed IP addresses as needed. 

  7. Review the given permissions and then select create.

  8. Your API key and API secret will be generated. Store these details.

Your API secret will only be shown once. Make sure you record it in a secure location. If you lose your API secret, you will not be able to retrieve it.