Developer Platform

Coinbase Commerce API private key creation

To use most API endpoints, you’ll need to generate an API key. Follow the steps below with your Commerce account:

  1. Sign in to your account and access your Settings by selecting the profile menu in your account and choosing Settings from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select the Security tab to view your current API keys and select New API key to generate a new key. This should appear under your existing API Keys automatically.

  3. Make sure to copy your existing API key from here or select the eye icon to view the full API key.

Your API secret will only be shown once. Make sure you record it in a secure location. If you lose your API secret, you will not be able to retrieve it.

Depending on the integration your using, you may need to set up a Webhook Subscription. Learn more about this by visiting the eCommerce integrations page.

Please note your API key is a secure access token which can be used to access your Commerce data. As always, never share this information with anyone. Coinbase Support will never request your API key for troubleshooting purposes or otherwise.