Reset your password

You can reset your password when signed in or out of your account. When signed out of your account, you must have access to at least your registered phone to reset your password.

  • Reset your password from a device and location (IP address) you’ve previously used to access Coinbase to safeguard against unauthorised password reset requests and minimise the potential for a 48-hour crypto send restriction.

  • Password resetting differs from updating or troubleshooting 2-step verification with your Coinbase account and seed phrase issues with your Coinbase Wallet.

  • Resetting your password using a new device may delay crypto sends for 24 to 48 hours, but you can still sign in.

No access to your email, phone number and 2-step verification method

If you need to reset your password and have lost access to your account email address, registered phone number and 2-step verification method, please contact Coinbase Support.

Password reset scenarios

You have access to your email and registered phone number

  1. Access the Coinbase Password Reset page.

  2. Enter your email address and select Reset password.

  3. Check your inbox (and spam folder if necessary) for a password reset email from Coinbase.

  4. Select the link in the email and follow the prompts to create a new password.

You have access to your registered phone number but don’t have email access

  1. Access the Coinbase Password Reset page.

  2. Enter your email address and select Reset using SMS.

  3. Select Send Code password. The password reset link is sent to your registered phone number via text message.

  4. Select the link in the text message and follow the prompts to create a new password.

You can sign in to your Coinbase account

  1. Access your account security page.

  2. Select Update and complete 2-step verification.

  3. Enter your new password and select Continue.

  4. Complete the remaining prompts.